Saturday, June 6, 2009

You know you're poor when...

  • You look forward to Fast Sunday

  • You accept the fact that you must buy generic products...even if they are half as good as the real thing

  • You mooch off of your roommates

  • ...any other input??
P.S. This plant is called Skunk Cabbage. The children informed me that was the reason it smelled like skunk outside...and in fact, there were no skunks in Alaska. Fancy that.


Bridget "Fun" Lynott said...

You know you are poor when you can't afford to do your laundry at the laundromat and instead find friends willing to help you by letting you use their washing machines!

indeazgirl said...

Rip that nasty stinky plant out, that's what I say!

Candi said...

The life of a graduate... :(