Saturday, August 15, 2009

I've got Loads & Loads of ISSUES...& laundry.

Ha. Ya, when you figure you've gotta pay 5 bucks every time you do your laundry, you start stretching out the days in between washing. Of course, that means wearing jeans a few more days and hand treating many more stains then I have ever done before...all for the sake of saving a couple bucks. I can do it. I guess. If I have to.

Another issue is my new iTouch.

Which is giving me more headaches these days then...well, anything else. It will sync all my new information; photos, pictures, music, and applications. It just won't work right after that. I am so utterly (haha,UTTERLY) annoyed! Right now all I can do with it is use the basic applications; like connect to the internet and use the alarm to wake me up in the morning.

ANOTHER issue is that before my lease is up at my apartment, I have to have the carpet professionally cleaned for the next prospective tenants...

I could shop around for a company to do it or the realtors have a company they will send for you at the bank-shattering cost of 180 buckeroos. That's. Just. Sick.

I don't have the patience right now to look on my own. So I guess I'm resigning to paying them the amount so I don't have to worry about it.

Another one of my issues is my darn computer &/or camera. Everytime I try to download my pictures, my compy freezes up. It is SO agitating. So, therefore. No pics of anything recent and decent to speak of.

ALSO, at the moment, I really really really gotta use the 'loo (??) or the bath-room...(why it's a bathroom, I don't know, cause I use it most often for the toilet services). And, this complicates things cause I'm in the libarary on my lap top. I don't want to leave it here on the table unattended for 3 minutes and I also don't want to pack it all up just to go and have to come back and unpack it again.

Argh. I just want internet and normal television in my apartment! Is that SO HARD to ask? Yes, I guess it is.

Pardon my picture...couldn't help myself. I was in *cough*cough*sweltering heat waiting for the 4th of July parade to start and I thought, "Hey, I'll take a picture of myself."

So, there you have it, I'm a girl with issues. Probably unlike anyone else right now. Na, who am I kidding. These issues are so inconsequential.

p.s. i WILL be returning to AZ in approximately 2 weeks. I am elated to come home...I am not sure for how long though. I might be returning to Alaska just a few days later...but there is the slight problem with housing options...

P.S.S. I am about 200 pages away from finishing the Twilight saga. I'm a little sad. A little happy to have read this much in just 2 weeks. Cannot wait for NEW MOON!!! You better believe I will be standing at a theater on November 20th around midnight to get in to the first showing while also wearing Twilight paraphernalia!!!

1 comment:

indeazgirl said...

I don't know how much it should cost to have carpets cleaned in Alaska, but here it should be about 80. Don't get screwed. Love ya, fun sunglasses,