Sunday, October 18, 2009

I'm the most human-being You will ever meet.

Yep. It's true. I judge people. I cannot help it if my second favorite activity is people-watching and what naturally stems from that verb is another verb; "judge".

This last week, my mom and I went to Disneyland for our birthdays! (How COOL is it that my birthday is on the 13th and hers is on the 14th?!) I told her every year I feel like we are playing a joke on ourselves...just to be silly. But, it's true!

Anyways, for almost every second (that we weren't on a ride). I was making judgments of the other park guests around me...mainly the ones in line in front or behind of us. It was usually, "What are they wearing?" OR "They stink!" HAHA.

Don't worry. I am highly aware people are judging me too. In fact, I think I fear that the most and therefore keep myself hidden away and shy because I know what people must think of me. I think that people think..."oh that poor girl has such bad acne." "Why is her face so oily?" "Man she's gained weight!" "She's so short." "Why isn't she married?" ...or better yet..."Since she's not married, what is wrong with her?"

All-good questions. Honestly, the height thing is genetics so LAY OFF. No more jokes. They were funny in 8th grade, now they upset me. The weight thing...I blame the no friends in Alaska deal. No friends=Substitute best friend=SUGAR.
The other stuff? Bummer. I got no answers. Alls I can say is...only Heavenly Father knows the answer to that stuff. So, I will probably always remain shy and removed from social society.

On a lighter note. My mom & I had quite a blast in Disney:


Bethany said...

Um..okay I love that you went to Disneyland for your birthday! Did you do the get in free thing?!? I have always wanted to go to Disneyland in October to see it all dressed up for Halloween! I am a little jealous!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Oh Camille... You are a great girl. Although I know we all do it at times. Maybe that's something to work on... not judging others. If it's that big of an insecurity to you why would you do it to other people?

Katie said...

Girl you look AMAZING!!! I don't know what you're talkin' 'bout. So are you back in AZ now?!

Merkley Jiating said...

Fanny pack?! That is so awesome. I used to always wear a fanny pack to Disneyland or Six Flags. They are so much easier than purses. Happy belated birthday!

Brewer Family said...

Disneyland!! How fun!! No we aren't naming all of our kids "I" names we just happened to like Isaac and Isabella and they are so close in age we thought it was cute. People will probably think they are twins in a few years. HAHA