Friday, November 6, 2009

Remember When...

I said I was gunna cut my hair.

It's been forever since that post. Cause I was saving my long hair for my halloween costume.

ANYWHO, I finally cut it. And, my hair was long enough (surprisingly) to donate to Locks
of Love. So I'm gunna do it. I'm so excited to help someone look better! And to shed that much hair.

For your viewing pleasure, the before and after:

Ya. I have a weird facial expression there.

AND-I chickened out like I always do and didn't get crazy bangs. I still wanna die it though.


Amy Legler said...

Super cute!! I just did the same thing a few weeks ago, and my hair is about as short as yours. I cut 15 inches total. Its crazy. Super cute!!

Whitni Watkins said...

you are beautiful. I can't believe how long your hair was.

Michele said...

Cute Hair!

Brewer Family said...

I love it!!

Bethany said...

Your hair looks so good!!! I have donated to locks of love twice now! I think I am gonna do it again as soon as my hair grows out long enough! You look so good with the short hair!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Okay not telling me! We just talked yesterday too! I forgive you and love it even though I loved your long hair too!!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

Okay not telling me! We just talked yesterday too! I forgive you and love it even though I loved your long hair too!! What color are you wanting to dye it?

Jonathan and Sarah said...

What color are you wanting to dye it?

Candi said...

I love the new cut! So fresh and new!!! It was fun seeing on Sunday and cant wait to see you again.