Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What Should I do???

So...I'll try to make this as short as possible without missing details. On March 1st a guy backed up into my car. See photos below for the damage.

Anywho, I had my car estimated on Monday and it's going to cost their insurance $1000.00 dollars to fix.

My dilemma is this: My dad says I can just take the money and decide what I want to do with it after that. Or I can have the body shop fix it.

I checked Kelly Blue Book and my car is worth roughly $2500 (with the gash) and probably $3000 without.

S0, should I take the money or fix the car??? AHH!! I have probably 2 days or less to decide. Dear bloggers, help me!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO CHOOSE!!!


Merkley Jiating said...

Talk to my dad.

Britt said...

Take the money and run!!! That is what I would do- especially if you're going to keep the car for a bit. I decided to quit fixing cosmetic things on my car a while ago.

Geevz said...

take the money and deal with the eye sore

Jonathan and Sarah said...

It just depends... Does the gash in your car bother you enough that you'd like it fixed? Do you ever plan on selling your car? Do you really need the extra thousand for something or would it just be nice to have?? Just depends on you...

Amy Legler said...

Take the money and get a new car! That's a pretty nice down payment for a nice new car!

Angie said...

Yeah... Just take the $$$$. What did you end up doing anyway?