Monday, April 11, 2011


I'm having a lot of FIRSTS lately.

This last weekend I went on a date. We went Saguaro Lake. My friends, that is FAR. I think. It was a 40 minute drive with someone I couldn't really converse with. Then his GPS unit wasn't working. Then we went off-roading. And I was praying the whole time the truck wouldn't flip. And I'm not even kidding. HA.

He tried to reassure me by saying, "Don't worry, it takes a lot to flip this truck." I was thinking, "Oh great, he thinks just because it hasn't flipped in a long time or ever, it won't." That's how people DIE buddy. I would rather not take part in the fiesta...or lack thereof.

Then, the following night, I went to a place called RA. I tried my first sushi & squid. I went because a cute guy invited me. Plus, I thought, I gotta do something in my life and not stand back and watch it pass me by. Squid review: Taste & texture is what I imagine uncooked bacon to be like. Sushi review: Just gross. Whether dipped in Soy Sauce or not.

Overall consensus: Never going back. Gagged way too many times to think it was worth it.

After the sushi, I just went home. Around 10:30 my roommate came home & invited me to go hot tubbing with her and some friends. Which, I have done before...but never with this amount of people. 4 girls, 10 guys. HELLO AWESOME. Now if only the other 3 girls weren't there...that would have been fantastic. :)

Next new adventure: The Hunger Games. I'm ready!!! :)


Jonathan and Sarah said...

You sound like you should be on the Bachelorette or something! haha

Geevz said...

Dude, sushi is amazing. It just takes a time or two to get past the raw part. Don't give up on it. And the geocacheing sounds like a really fun date. At least he planned something cool even if he wasn't.