Monday, May 9, 2011

She ALMOST Died.

Saturday I checked the oil level in my car I'm borrowing from my parents until I get a new car. There was absolutely NO oil registering on the dip stick. Talk about almost heart attack. My dad has drilled into me since I've gotten my license that I MUST make sure there is oil in the car at all times. Apparently I failed to follow through his countless lectures.

THANKFULLY, the car did not die. I was spared the wrath of khan by pouring in a quart of oil...I'm almost 90% sure she would have died on the way home that night had I not done so. Hallelujah. Crisis averted...for a little while at least. I NEED ME A NEW CAR!!!!


Geevz said...

My friend Grant actually had his car blow up on him because he thought the oil light was a suggestion close to the end, like the gas light.

I'm glad you both survived.

Lance and Kimberlee said...

Thanks goodness! I'm glad you live to tell the tale!