Sunday, June 8, 2008

I Can't Get no....Satisfaction

Well, Ariana requested that I post something new on my blog. And, I would like to extend the same invitation to her and tell me something new about herself as well!!! Because, after all, I had to learn what was new with her through church today!

And, in my defense, I was planning on writing something new a week ago but my internet is acting kind of sketchy, the wireless LAN signal keeps going in and out and isn't consistant so I keep having to close down my know, cause this and Facebook is all I do on my lap top these days. (Since I'm not in school this whole summer! Woo-hoo!)

Well, My family had to go to Idaho this week to take my newly graduated sister up to college at BYU. Too bad I didn't take advantage of the empty house in time. I pretty much wallowed in silence while they were away. I guess it was nice not to come home to a noisy house for once in my life. (Okay, maybe it wasn't the first time)

I saw 2 movies this last week too. Baby Mama & What Happens in Vegas. Both are really hilarious. I think I liked Baby Mama a lot more just cause it was probably more appropriate and it was less predictable. I'm almost sick of these girly movies now that you KNOW they will end up together in the end...i feel like, why am I seeing an hour and a half of this movie if all I really want to see is them happy at the end? I guess maybe I want to see the characters grow and learn from their mistakes but other than that....

(First image is from Baby Mama & second is from What Happens..)

Other than family being gone and seeing the two movies it really was quite an uneventful week. I mean, I did go to a bar last night but...that's really of no consequence. The people there are pretty rank and unattractive too. Why ANYONE would pick up a guy/girl at a bar is SOO beyond me. bleh! Church is where it's at...Preferably the singles wards. hahaha! :)

1 comment:

indeazgirl said...

I'm so excited to see baby mama now!