Sunday, February 1, 2009


You know, I imagined this student teaching experience would be difficult but let's face it...that was an understatement. These kids drive me crazy. Correction, MOST of these kids drive me crazy. There are the select few who always behave and try to stay on task in school.

There is probably about 4% of me that wishes corporal punishment still existed...of course the other 96% realizes it's not a good idea. Yes, I try to be a logical person when I can. :)

What is sad is I have already had 2 bad encounters with the students and I'm only in the third of twelve weeks of student teaching. I'm already tired all the time and I don't eat right-wait-I don't have time to eat...FOLKS- I only teach 1 lesson every few days as of yet. What the H am I gunna do when I fully take over? I'll have to live on my sleep reserves...wait, WHAT sleep reserves? You're right. I ain't got none.
On a lighter note, I got my AEPA test out of the way a week ago. I took a picture or two to show you what I looked like after the long long long long day of questioning. OH, and some pictures of me with my books to study...which I didn't even get half done. I expect to know my AEPA score in about 2 weeks. Cross your fingers/pray that I passed! This is a matter of life or death people! ...okay, not life or death but you know- it's IMPORTANT!


Candi said...

I feel bad for you, but in the same boat! school is aHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Candice said...

Hey, I know its way late in the game, but its never too late to find a career that you, ya know, enjoy :P Hope it gets better soon :)

Holly Janeen said...

wow- just reading about it made me sleepy...
i am going back to bed!

Camille said...

Oh, good luck! You're making me glad I didn't decide to be a teacher--it sounds incredibly exhausting.

Merkley Jiating said...

That contest isn't over! Ten people never entered so I am still waiting for two more! You should enter! And don't trust those "Neil" responses. A lot of them are wrong. :-)

Geevz said...

Everyone tells you that it's better with your own class. It's true. The kids realize that you aren't the NUMBER 1 adult in charge and try and push you as a student teacher. When they walk in the first day knowing you're it, they act a little different. I even had rockin classroom management since day one.

It will get a little bit easier. And three weeks isn't enough to find the enjoyment of it. Give it time.

Emily Lauren said...

That sounds crazy. Somehow, you get it all done though and you'll be surprised by all that you can do. Previously {in my program} we have 4-5 clients and now, being in the schools, we have closer to 60!! Somehow it all works out though. Hang in there.
As far as the bachelor goes, my guess has been Jillian from the beginning. She is really with it, fun, pretty, deep, etc. and is one of the ones I think would be ready to be a mom. I like melissa, I just don't know if she's ready. And molly- there's something that just isn't there with them. What do you think?

Molly said...

Hang in there....