Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What You Won't Find in Good 'Ol AZ

  • The faucet temperatures set at two settings:
Scaulding HOT & Frigidly COLD. My body does not take well to either extremes. If you had to choose one to bath in, what would it be?
  • Float Planes:
Don't know what they are? Look them up. But, I can pretty much tell you they are really cool. Basically a plane that takes off and lands in the water.
  • Cruise Ships:
If I don't see AT LEAST one every day, there is something wrong with me. (I like the ones with confetti paintings on the side. They make me excited to someday go on one!
  • Extra-Tufs (sp??):
These are the type of rain boots EVERY Alaskan owns...or apparently should own. I contemplated buying them myself then thought, "Do I need this or do I want this?"

I set them down and backed away from the sale rack.
  • Extremely Good Windshield Wipers:
It rains as much here in a WEEK as Arizona sees in a whole YEAR! I'm serious.

If you don't have a good set of windshield wipers, you shouldn't be driving anywhere. End of story.

Well, there are A TON more things to put in this list but, that's all I can think of right now.

P.S. - On a SUPER side note. Last night there was a show on ABC called 'Dating in the Dark'. Me and Karie THOROUGHLY enjoyed it...until DVR missed the last 5 minutes of it and didn't see how it ended! URGH!

I highly recommend going to the ABC website and watching the episode...maybe I'll get YOU hooked too! :)


Candi said...

It is great to hear all the amazing things you are learning! :)

Candice said...

Donc j'y ai juste lu un bon livre avec beaucoup de français et il m'a fait penser à vous, vous l'aimeriez. Son un classique appelé "Villette".

indeazgirl said...

When I moved to Idaho, I was SHOCKED at how cold the water got. AND that gum could snap in half if you left it in your car.