Tuesday, September 15, 2009

In Case You Wanted to know EXACTLY what I've been doing in my room

You probably think I'm bored don't you?! Ya, I heard you mumbling to yourself when you read that last post. You said, "Ya right. Like she would be HAPPY all alone in that hotel room. No one to talk to. How could she still have things to do? It probably takes less than 4 seconds to walk from one end of the room to the other."

Well, I'm here to prove you wrong. (Well, you're right about that last one).

This is the 411 in room ***. (*Just in case there are crazies that read this and decided to come hunt me down).
So...I'm planning my next extreme haircut. Oh, who am I kidding? My FIRST extreme haircut. What shall it be? I narrowed the google search down to: Choice 1, Choice 2, Choice 3. All involving some sort of bangs of course...cause I'm going for DIFF-RENT. (yes, I'm aware I didn't spell that right. I was going for bold pronounciation).

It turns out, I like my eyes...and apparently my lips too. haha.

Dance parties....Ya, ya!

Oh, and a little bit of ninja added into my moves.

And...um...I may or may not have eaten 1/4 of that cake on my own already...
See this brush? I've had it for about 2 or 3 years now.
See those tweezers? They are basically AMAZINGGG! i NOT ONly use them to tweeze me eyebrows, I also use them to take out my OCD on my brush shown above. I spend about 5 minutes a day pulling every little piece of hair and fiber out. It's actually quite cathartic.
What's better than listening to your favorite music?!

A little, NAY, a lot of cable choices! Yeah!
What I will be reading soon enough....after I get through these other cheesy LDS romance novels.
And there you have it, believe me when I say, I'm NOT bored.


Brooks said...

Ok, I've decided you have way too much time on your hands girl! But it looks like your having a lot of fun. You know I think you're the best!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

OKay the first haircut is my favorite but i'm not a fan of the color... I don't know if that was part of the DIFF-RENT part. Wow, you do have very pretty eyes and lips. At first I thought you just found them online. I'm so glad you're having fun!!!!

Candi said...

Glad your having a good time! Ninja moves, pretty awesome! For the hair cut, lets go with one or two. I am hoping you are staying away from the color, but I really don't like number three!
Glad to see your reading the Host, please read Hungry Games so you can be in love with Peeta and Gale, you can thank me later. I will start reading the Host very soon!

Whitni Watkins said...

oh Camille. You are hilarious and I love reading your blog.
BTw I like the first hair cut but I don't think you should go blonde

Geevz said...

Can I just say that I love this post? It's kinda awesome. And I vote for number one.

colleenroselle said...

NUMBER ONE! but no color