Monday, November 30, 2009

All the...Small Things!

*that title was inspired by a song...I think by Blink 182. Can anyone back me up?

Haven't written in so long, there are a lot of little things that have gone by.

Thanksgiving: I was sick. In fact, my whole family that blows! Then-MIRACULOUSLY-I got better just in time for work on Monday. How LAME!

New Moon: Saw it with the sisters. WAY WAY better than the first in my very proud opinion. Don't get me wrong, I still watch the first movie like once a week cause I'm a weirdo, but New Moon was tons better in every way. Acting. Filmography. Special Effects. Length. (If that's possible)

I really really want to see it again but I told myself to only see it once in the theaters (Using EXTREME self-control) and then I would save up all that saved money to purchase the DVD the milli-second it comes out!

Work: is getting easier everyday. I mean, it was easy to start with but I just feel more and more like I know what I'm doing. Which is always a nice feeling. I still don't like the driving portion. But, now at least I've gotten an FM transmitter for my ipod and I can listen to my Twilight Podcasts instead of the stupid radio peeps.

Family: Nathan is coming home!!! Less than 3 weeks baby!

Dating: I went on a date a few weeks ago. Did I mention that? I pretty much told the guy to ask me out. I stewed over telling him in a text (don't worry, I was pretty subtle about it...or I thought I was anyways). After I sent the text, he called me like 5 minutes later. It was funny. After the date, he said he had planned on asking me out but...I'm pretty sure I'm the one that made him.

It was a good date. Sort-of-Dinner at Giant Hamburger in Mesa. (Too bad I couldn't wait any longer and ate before he came) And bowling. I LOVE bowling. I wanted to win SO bad...I think I did. I can't remember.

I don't know if we'll go out again...although we still text each other almost every day since....AND he almost got me to come home with him and meet his fam...too bad they live in MEXICO and I don't have a passport! Darn. (Sarcastic tone).

That's the recap. THE END.

P.S. I'm already getting exciting for ECLIPSE to come out in June 2010!!!


Whitni Watkins said...

lame you were sick.
sweet about the date.
cant believe nathan's coming home.
btw the song is by Blink 182. :-)

indeazgirl said...

Totally right about Blink182.
I'm glad work is getting better.
And I'm so totally proud of you for telling that boy what to do. They often need to be told.